Activate Passbook on iOS 6 bta 1

A simple manipulation makes it easy to activate the new Passbook functionality integrated into the first beta version of iOS 6.


At its June 11 press conference, Apple announced the arrival of the new Passbook feature. It is a completely new system for centralizing loyalty cards, train / plane tickets, coupons, etc. Thanks to its ability to interact with the GPS functionality built into the iPhone, Passbook will be able to offer you, for example, a loyalty card when you pass near a store that uses this new service. A new service which therefore aims to revolutionize this sector. It is still necessary that he can succeed in attracting traders inclined to affiliate him!

While this new feature is not active by default in the first beta version of iOS 6 (it will probably be thereafter), a little trick allows you to be able to discover it in preview. To be able to take advantage of it, simply download the five files below, send them by email to your iPhone, which will open them and import them automatically into Passbook. Relatively simple handling.

Obviously, Passbook is not yet finished, but this manipulation allows you to get a glimpse of a feature that may become unavoidable in the coming months. At least in the United States, at first.

The files to download:

BoardingPass.pkpass.– Coupon.pkpass.– Event.pkpass.– Generic.pkpass.– StoreCard.pkpass.

We discuss it on the forum.

(Source: Rohid via David | Thank you BoossO for the info! )