surprise update of the classic version

Opera-12.18Without drum and trumpet, Opera Software publishes an update of the Opera browser. The surprise and that it is not an update for the browser with its Blink rendering engine and Chromium base currently in version 35. It is intended for the 12.x branch of Opera.

Opera 12.18 is therefore an update for the browser of yesteryear with its Presto rendering engine and its own user interface. It is only available for Windows and in the absence of release notes, it is a bit of a mystery for its content. Certainly maintenance.

This is in any case proof that the support is not yet dead for Opera 12.x. The Opera 12.17 update dated April 2014 and had made a security fix related to the Heartbleed bug in the installation and automatic update program. Opera 12.18 may be removing outdated security protocols.