iPhone 5: 50% of you want it right away!

50% of people surveyed on Belgium-iPhone expect to get the iPhone in their first week of marketing. Improved autonomy is THE most anticipated feature on the new machine. Investigation …

Two weeks ago, we offered to answer our survey in which we asked you if you intend to get the new iPhone quickly as soon as it is released and if so, what is the most advanced feature you expect in the new device?

50% of the people polled will queue in the first week.

Out of 1078 people surveyed, you t 34% show your standard iPhone 5 craze you plan to get from its first week of marketing. A large number of these people will certainly be present, on its first day of sale, in line to have it "first". In a craze that gets stronger when we learn that 16% of you plan to get the new gear as of its first month of availability and 24% later for the end of the year. Yes 27% pollsters indicated that they didn't plan to get the iPhone 5, however, it proves that the craze for Apple’s smartphone doesn’t seem to be dropping. On the contrary. And this, soon after 5 generations of this product!

Better autonomy expected!

While you might think that many of you are waiting, above all, for a new design or even a gain in speed for the new machine, it is different. Indeed, the iPhone seems to be a successful device but there are still many of you (31%) wait especially an optimization linked to autonomy iPhone. It must be said that this is a highly critical characteristic since the product was marketed in 2007. An evolution is therefore highly anticipated, in vain so far. In second position is a larger notch which is claimed. Indeed, you are 27% to think that it is time that the characteristics of the screen evolve with regard especially to its dimensions. Rest assured or almost, rumors of recent months say that the next iPhone could benefit from a larger screen (4 ″ against 3.7 ″) but we are still in the speculation stage. Change is also called for in the design of the iPhone! Yes design of the iPhone 4 has particularly seduced, you are nevertheless 30% said something new. Maybe the problems with the iPhone 4 antenna, DTECT when it was first marketed, there is something to it … Isn't the current iPhone fast enough? On the contrary since you are only 8% to claim a boost in speed for the processor of the future machine! It may be worth remembering that the iPhone 5 is likely to ship the dual-core A5 processor (the same type of processor built into the iPad 2) and which is quite powerful. Finally, the least expected high functionality is undoubtedly the camera. The current iPhone 4 camera (5 mgapixels) seems to defend itself well with users who will still be delighted to learn, at least 4% among you, that the iPhone 5 should incorporate an 8 mgapixel sensor.

Only a few weeks left to hold and save your money! 😉

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