IOS 10 Jailbreak: all compatible Cydia tweaks (in French)

cydia ios 10 2017 - Jailbreak iOS 10 : tous les tweaks Cydia compatibles (en français)

A few days ago, we presented to you a participatory document gathering the list of all Cydia tweaks compatible with the iOS 10 jailbreak from Yalu (currently in beta, read: Jailbreak iOS 10.2: list of Cydia tweaks compatible with iOS 10). Unfortunately, if you are not an English speaker, it is sometimes difficult to fully understand the package descriptions.

A team of 5 members of the French jailbreak community had the good idea to create their own database of tweaks and Cydia apps compatible with iOS 10, to the delight of French-speaking fans of the personalization of iPhone, iPad and iPod. Touch. The file, hosted on the Google Drive platform, has different tabs: Home / iOS 10 Tweaks / Cydia source list / Graphics / Help / Message to editors. Of course, it is the second that interests us the most.

cydia ios 10 2017 - iOS 10 jailbreak: all compatible Cydia tweaks (in French)You will find a table with the Cydia apps / tweaks listed in alphabetical order, their description, their features, their compatibility with the iOS 10 jailbreak, their price and finally the Cydia source on which you can find the different packages. The color code is as follows: Green : Yes – tweak fully compatible with iOS 10 / Red : No – tweak 100% incompatible with iOS 10 / Yellow : Partially – partially compatible tweak / Orange : Beta – tweak in beta version (installation not recommended).

Note that you are solely responsible for the use of this file, and that World Is Small is in no way responsible for any problems related to the use of the iOS 10.2 jailbreak and the tweaks referenced in the document. You can submit a tweak by filling out the short form at this address. However, certain rules must be observed before adding a package (see the tab Message to editors).