Hybrid artificial intelligence: France focuses on research

Artificial intelligence is being introduced in all areas, both in medicine and in after-sales services. The beautiful city of Toulouse has decided to focus on this technology by creating an institute specializing in what is already called “hybrid artificial intelligence”.

The French newspaper Les Echos explained this morning that an institute called ANITI (Institute of Artificial and Natural Intelligence of Toulouse) would be created to allow 200 researchers to imagine the potential of AI in transport, health, l environment and agriculture. The budget? 20 million euros per year for at least 4 years. Airbus, a major player in Toulouse, is participating in the project and will be its first industrial partner.

Researchers will work on hybrid artificial intelligence. As often, artificial intelligence was part of the concept of machine learning, but it has certain limitations. ANITI chief scientist Nicolas Asher explains that by using this technology in a drone “We don’t have the guarantee that it won’t crash because we can’t explain the mechanism, we have to add logic” . Obviously, this is not just about data, it will also require the use of classical sciences (mathematics and physics) in the systems created.

The city of Toulouse is counting on ANITI to boost the artificial intelligence market: not only by attracting students, but also by motivating people to create business advantages.

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