FBI no longer wants criminals to be protected by smartphone encryption

974841874.jpg.0 Le FBI ne veut plus que les criminels soient protégés par le chiffrement de leur smartphone

974841874.jpg.0 The FBI no longer wants criminals to be protected by the encryption of their smartphones

According to the director of the FBI, Christopher wray, the difficulty or even the absence of possibility of recovering the data on an encrypted smartphone strongly undermines the good work of the police.

Despite the devices used by the FBI to “hack” iPhones, like the Cellebrite that we found on eBay a short time ago, a large number of smartphones would remain impenetrable.

This situation, present worldwide, ” can’t last anymore“. He continues his momentum by saying that protecting the freedom and confidentiality of users is not a valid reason vis-à-vis criminals who escape the law thanks to their smartphone.

Christopher Wray thus publicly evoked during the last RSA conference (San Francisco) that consequences of device encryption on ongoing investigations can be cumbersome.

That said, the man in question does not bring no solution : he will be content during his speech to say that solutions exist, without detailing any advantage.

Before Wray, some had proposed reasoned encryption. This would make it easier to access the data. The solution was simple on paper, but complicated to implement.

Florent Lanne

Passionate about new technology, I am a writer for appsystem.fr. I evolve in the Apple ecosystem and that is why I write information about it.

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