Alexa now controls Deezer

The French audio streaming platform, Deezer, is gradually succeeding in setting up across the Atlantic, and faced with its success, the high-tech giants are forced to adapt to meet the expectations of their customers.

Deezer for Windows 8

So Amazon has just announced the compatibility of its voice assistant, Alexa, with Deezer. In short, it is now possible to launch music on Deezer by voice from an Echo smart speaker. And this news brings us a little closer to the release of these same speakers in France.

If Amazon has offered its speakers connected for several years in the USA, it is astonishing to see that the brand will end up being the last to offer them in France, behind Google and Apple … The support for Deezer is actually now on the all the devices that are compatible with Alexa, and therefore even the Sonos One and Ultrimate Ear BLAST speakers.

Voice commands allow you to start music, stop it, skip tracks or even increase and decrease the volume. A special command also lets you launch an endless stream of personalized music.