5 new web browsers for Android to try

The web browser is something that we all use on our smartphones on a daily basis and that too, in quite some detail. While the experience with popular browsers like Chrome is great, what if you are looking for a new browser with intuitive features to revamp your web browsing experience. Well we’ve done the hard work for you. Here are 5 new browsers for Android that you will love to use:

1. Mint Browser

The first web browser on this list is Mint Browser, a new web browser offered by Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi. The browser is quite fast and has a integrated adblocker . In addition, whenever you play a video, the browser will automatically detect if it is downloadable and a download button will appear on the screen. This way, you will no longer need to resort to a third party downloader app to save those cute cat videos.

For your eyes to leave the white theme, the browser has a integrated night mode which allows you to use it comfortably in the dark. It also has a built-in data saver that you can activate if you run out of mobile data.

Download Mint Browser (Rated 4.5 / 5 on Play Store)

2. Tor browser

Tor Browser, a popular web browser developed for PC and used by privacy enthusiasts around the world, is now available in Android to let you enjoy the same privacy on the go.

The browser has privacy-focused features, such as the ability to block third-party trackers , the fingerprint resistancewhich makes all users look the same, the multilayer encryption And much more. You can also browse all websites blocked by your ISP using Tor.

Download the Tor browser (Rated 4.2 / 5 on Play Store)

3. Firefox Preview

Firefox Preview is without a doubt my favorite web browser on this list. Mozilla’s Firefox Preview is what Google Chrome Canary represents to Google Chrome. This is where new features will arrive before being added to the official Firefox app for Android.

It integrates GeckoView , the Mozilla browser engine that should run 2x faster than older versions of Firefox. You benefit from a identical tracking protection Tor browser and a lot of cutting edge features you wouldn’t have seen in any other version of Firefox.

For example, you have the possibility of grouping tabs called “Collections”,which is similar to tab groups on Google Chrome. You can also access all of your bookmarks, saved connections, and browsing history by signing in to your Firefox account.

Download Firefox Preview (Rated 4.2 / 5 on Play Store)

4. Neffos browser

Neffos Browser is a lesser known web browser on this list offered by TP-Link , a renowned manufacturer of Wi-Fi network equipment. The browser provides easy access to many features directly from the home page. There is a real time weather widget on the home page which you can check anytime for accurate weather information around you. You will also get a news feed on the homepage to stay up to date with the outside world.

Many of the fancy features offered by other browsers are not present here and you should consider this browser if you want a simple user interface with more access to information.

Download Neffos Browser (Rated 4.1 / 5 on Play Store)

5. UC Turbo Browser

UC Browser Turbo is everything the original UC Browser should have been in the first place. The browser has a minimalist design , a download reminder he borrowed from the original UC browser, a built-in character blocker, and more.

However, one of the unique features of the browser missing from the other browsers on the list is the ability to set your own picture as wallpaper in the browser, which gives it a personal touch. You can also customize the homepage to suit your style by adding your favorite websites to the homepage or just leaving it blank. In addition, the browser supports supports multiple languages, including English, Bahasa Indonesian, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Spanish, to name a few.

Download UC Browser Turbo (Rated 4.1 / 5 on Play Store)

Also Read: 12 Best Web Browsers For iPhone

So that sums up our list of new web browsers that you should check out on your Android smartphone. Which browser did you like the most? Let us know in the comments.